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  • Flo Tuesday, 28th October 2014 at 11:39

    Free market society is supposed to be based on the idea of a fully informed customer, who is at every time able to choose rationally. The best way to keep customers away from being fully informed and making rational choices is advertising. And from a certain perspective that seems to be the only raison d’être for A-list titles.
    Of course, they’re still games (and some of them might even be worth playing ;), but you can’t ignore all the secondary effects built into the system, a closed technological ecosystem and DRM being only two of them.
    So, something as simple as playing gets entangled with rather harsh social (that is customer) control technologies. Luckily, there is still the possibility to go fully DRM-free (somethimes even without being limited to a certain platform), you’re just missing out on most of the A-listers.

    Easy choice. For me, that is.

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  • zephyrin_xirdal Wednesday, 5th November 2014 at 15:36

    Here’s news. GTA5 will come to the PC as an enhanced re-release, especially featuring first-person perspective. Here’s the official trailer.

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