kaizo mario world
impossibly hard variant of super mario world
This is to humble every single speedrunner, trickjumper, DeFRaGger, or first-person-shooter virtuoso/elitist who ever dared to badmouth about 2D jump’n’run sidescrollers and the supposed lack of skill involved in playing them.
The “kaizo” (“hack” or “mod”) of Super Mario World shown in the video was created by T. Takemoto. For the movie he made his friend R. Kiba play his creation. Obviously Kiba possesses god-like skill, but still Takemoto’s level’s are more than a challenge for him. The dramaturgy of the movie is only digestable for the real oldskool aficionados, I confess—but still I find the pace set right in order not to get boring. There are more of Takemoto’s levels on YouTube, and even a second installment. So, if you haven’t got enough yet, plus a whole day to waste, search for ’em ;-)