what is he?
zeph’s pop culture quiz #19
What is the man in the picture?
Just leave a comment with your educated guess—you can ask for additional hints, too. [Leaving a comment is easy; just click the ‘Leave a comment’ at the end of the post and fill in the form. If it’s the first time you post a comment, it will be held for moderation. But I am constantly checking, and once I’ve approved a comment, your next ones won’t be held, but published immediately by the system.]
UPDATE and solution (14 March 2012):
Again Alexander Rabitsch ↵did it way faster than I am able to update: ‘He’s a miner … not a ’49-er, but a sci-fi miner, played by Sam Rockwell … the movie’s called Moon …’ That is so, and the answer is not only correct but a wise one, too: What I had in mind as an answer would’ve been a complete spoiler! So, go and watch ‘↑Moon,’ directed by ↑Duncan Jones (2009). And if you’re already at it, watch Mr Jones’ [who is David Bowie’s offspring, btw] excellent ‘↑Source Code‘ (2011) as well.
he´s a miner … not a ´49-er, but a sci-fi miner, played by sam rockwell … the movie´s calles moon …
This is absolutely correct, congrats! Not only correct, but wise as well, no spoilers at all :)