why turning around?
zeph’s pop culture quiz #56
What’s happening in this scene? Why are the two kids turning around?
Simply leave a comment with your educated guess—you can ask for additional hints, too. [Leaving a comment is easy; just click the ‘Leave a comment’ at the end of the post and fill in the form. If it’s the first time you post a comment, it will be held for moderation. But I am constantly checking, and once I’ve approved a comment, your next ones won’t be held, but published immediately by the system.]
So we gotta watch “Hitman” to check it out, right?
Well, if it is “Hitman”, it might be a scene in the beginning of the movie, when two ‘agents in schooling’ try to escape from the lab and get chased (and killed) by a sharpshooter.
*lol* à la Quake III: Hit by a railgun xD >>Excellent<<