games spillovers
Spillovers from the computer game industry include technological spillovers from games into other industries, impacts on education and impacts on learning and social interaction. It provides an ongoing example of the development of new business and payment models which may have applications in other content sectors […]
Technology originally developed for games is increasingly used in other applications. Games developments in computer images, graphics resolution, high-speed interactivity, and touch feedback are used in other applications. Many of these technologies had theirs origins in defence (e.g. flight simulators, pilot helmets, etc.) and medical imaging where virtual modelling developed for training and computer image construction led to developments in game creation. Until recently, this was mostly one-way, with applications developed in more established industries being used in simpler forms in the game industry. However, with advances in consumer hardware processing power this relationship is changing. Games imaging technology has potentially significant use for architecture, design and engineering applications, and games 3D-software in a range of training programmes and medical applications where interactivity is important. This trend is expected to intensify with advances in game software and hardware technology. (OECD 2005: 40-41)