Homequizwho is it?
  • klandestino Monday, 31st October 2011 at 01:01

    well..first of all: NICE IDEA!

    It would be too easy, and it’s nor sci-fi neither horror, but I’d say: Who is Spiderman ;)
    Why: Seems to wear a mask `cause there’s no hairstyle visible..

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  • Alexander Rabitsch Monday, 31st October 2011 at 09:54

    Kojak? Is it?

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  • Alexander Rabitsch Monday, 31st October 2011 at 21:43

    >>Entzückend<< thx :) :D

  • klandestino Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 19:14

    ah, damn…I’ve forgotten you posted (several times) spiderman-related articles..golly gosh ;)
    But to be honest, I got misled by myseld, because I thought it was a cartoon regarding the structure of the door…well well..so next time I won’t post neither as the first nor at one o`clock. As it seems, my senses are at sleep-mode at this times, I guess ;)

    Regarding the second ques: :-X ;)

    And third:
    You mentioned The Anderson Tapes. Quite recently I watched The Conversation (Coppola 1974) , with Gene Hackman, Robert Duvall (!) and the young Harrison Ford! It touches the same issues you mentioned: Surveillance, abuse by federal institutions, outsourcing/private companies, but also problems of identity, paranoiac behavior and mutual trust as well. A great movie imo. It won several awards and Coppolas son had a small appearance in the church…
    G. Hackman is always wearing a raincoat over his sleazy suit…as I don’t know if you’ve already watched the film i keep my fingers still…but I have a theory why it is a raincoat..
    I love these old films! They have something special! One of my favs: Three Days of the Condor…

  • Alexander Rabitsch Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 21:44

    Charles Waldo? George Whittaker? Bill Jobe? Any of them?

  • Alexander Rabitsch Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 21:49

    … they bought him BOTANY 500 clothes ….

  • Alexander Rabitsch Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 22:03

    And he´s great in that suits. This issue brings me back to the questions of tieing a tie. I found some real cool stuff there and I dought some of theses concerning the maximum number of possible knots as suggested by Fink´n´Mao … They had no idea of inverted knots and the combination of both kind ….

  • klandestino Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 22:25

    thumbs up for BOTANY 500.

  • klandestino Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 23:32
  • klandestino Tuesday, 1st November 2011 at 23:36
  • zephyrin_xirdal Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 at 07:06

    Now, you two are real aficionados—and finally there’s something happening here, in the comments section :-) The follow-up also was solved in no time by Alexander Rabitsch. Just you wait for next Monday, I’m cooking up something really evil.
        And, yes, Botany 500 it is, already proven by the screenshot klandestino linked to.
        Speaking of inverse tie knots: Somewhen during the next days I’ll rescue all the entries on them from the old xirdalium and import them here. A new tag ‘dandyism’ is overdue as well.
        Thomas Fink and Yong Mao indeed didn’t know anything about the inverse knots. My suspicion is that they would have rejected them anyway, because they’re too far away from traditional knots.
        @klandestino: Thanks a lot for hinting me to “The Conversation” (Coppola 1974); I looked it up and can’t remember that I’ve seen it yet. It’s on my list now and sounds to be exactly of my taste :-)

  • Alexander Rabitsch Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 at 08:56

    No way of rejecting any tieknot! Sometimes I do use needles to keep them in form!
    Dandyism is overdue! I cannot but agree!

  • klandestino Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 at 17:24

    @Alexander: 100% agree!!

  • klandestino Monday, 14th November 2011 at 23:59

    just for the record:
    Telly Savalas also acted in the 1962
    movie Cape Fear (which was adapted in the great film with the same name of 1991 with Nick Nolte and the great Robert De Niro)

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