talking cyberanthropology
Several weeks before this year’s conference of the German Anthropological Association (GAA/DGV) took place (14-17 September in Vienna, Austria), Thomas Lohninger contacted me via e-mail. He is the founder of, and force behind ↑Talking Anthropology which went live in July 2009. Since then he has produced and brought online 39 podcasts, 16 of them in English. The idea of Talking Anthropology is to bring topics, notions, and ideas from social and cultural anthropology to a broader public. The podcast seems to be a fitting format for that endeavour. The download numbers, for some of his productions in the thousands, confirm the validity of Thomas’ approach.
Just recently he has interviewed e.g. ↑Christoph Brumann, ↑Gustavo Lins Ribeiro, ↑Biella Coleman (on digital anthropology), and you will find many more interesting podcasts, like the one ↑featuring a member of the Takriz movement.
Happily I met his request, sat down with him in Vienna, and … shamelessly grabbed the opportunity [tnx a lot, Thomas :-] to hype my book ‘↑Cyberanthropology‘ [which you can order via amazon—did I mention that?]. I talked a bit too much about cybernetics to my taste, but judge for yourself: ↑TA37—Cyberanthropology [in German—for those who do not readily understand German: ’tis a great opportunity to listen to my mellow baritone for an hour and 37 minutes … just perfect if you got difficulties to find sleep].