who is repairing?
zeph’s pop culture quiz #38
Who is repairing something inside the back of that head?
Just leave a comment with your educated guess—you can ask for additional hints, too. [Leaving a comment is easy; just click the ‘Leave a comment’ at the end of the post and fill in the form. If it’s the first time you post a comment, it will be held for moderation. But I am constantly checking, and once I’ve approved a comment, your next ones won’t be held, but published immediately by the system.]
It`s Klaus Kinski in “Android”.
This is absolutely correct—congrats! The hand belongs to the immortal Klaus Kinski and the screencap was taken from the movie ‘Android’ (Lipstadt 1982).
Yeah! And he´s repairing Max 404 I guess … and Zeph, please: while upadating, put some pics of Cassandra 3000 in it! ;)
This is correct as well, Max 404’s back of the head it is! I will comply and see if I can manage to make some screencaps of Cassandra (Kendra Kirchner) that will please you, Mr Rabitsch, Sir …
How do you guys get the answers so fast?? wow you really must be seriously into these vintage flics… me on the other hand just recently discovered my love for them. Still a noob unfortunately ;-)
Honestly, I neither have the faintest idea about how they do it. You can serve the guys the most inconspicuous screencaps of the most forgotten movies and they immediately get it. If we were amongst gamers here, I’d shout out to them: Get a life! ;)
And now for the best part: I have never seen “Android” ;-). Guess it wasn`t worth to waste time with it. ;-)
thx zeph! :D
You ain´t seen >>Android< Any performance of Kinski is worth watching it ….