Frankly, I do not really know the reasons. But since four months the visits on my weblog here are steadily increasing. The average number of unique visitors for this month today is 2300 (bots and access with special http-status [me] not counted). Plus, people more and more are downloading ↵my Q3A-config. I would understand downloading the configs of Thresh, fatal1ty, cooller, and the like—but the config of a miserable player like me? Maybe the increase of popularity has to do with the airing of the short 6min feature about “↑Second Life“ (SL) I took part in on 29 March 2007? But then the increase already slowly started in February, and in March I had twice the amount of unique visitors than in the month before. If it goes on like this, the number will double this month again, as today I already have as many visitors as I had in whole March. Or is it generally my having started to deal with SL? The latter since several weeks experiences tremendous media coverage in Germany. If that is the reason, I will feed you ;-)