light on earth
Daylight, two days later. After the planet has revolved around itself for a little more than two times full circle, an e-mail from her plonks into one of his inboxes. Actually it’s not exactly from her, but triggered by her actions online. It’s a little hidden among the plethora of messages continuously trickling in, but nevertheless quickly spotted, standing out in a way. Obviously she not only has googled him, but used the search engine of some more or less obscure ‘business club’ as well. Within the machine-generated e-mail the non-human system of said club tells him that she has invited him to be one of her contacts. Duly he starts to go through the process of accepting. The message she attached to the invitation appears on the screen. The system has tagged it as her cause for trying to establish contact: “Beautiful interconnected world! :-) [According greetings. Signed.]“ Somewhat unconnectedly the thought creeps up inside him that he definitely should spend more money on hardware.