event horizon 2
There are always the prophets of doom [pun not intended]—cyberpunk has been declared dead and to be a forgotten relic of the 1980s, ↵Q3A has been labelled accordingly, and trickjumping … now someone even has called a vote at Wikipedia to delete the entry ↑Strafe-jumping, and that in the face of articles like ↑“Strafing Theory” by injx being online. It already went so far that even I sometimes thought that ↵my being concerned with Q3A stuff meanwhile is purely of historical interest. Far from it. Nothing is dead. Just recently Team Event Horizon’s second team tricking movie has been added to the database of planetquake 3. Do not by any chance miss ↑Event Horizon 2 [15:27min | .avi | 453MB]:
Compare it to e.g. ↑The Art of Tricking II [13:57min | .avi | 325MB], and you will see how trickjumping and the according movies have developed. This culture obviously still is going strong. Long live ↑defrag.