who is cycling?
zeph’s pop culture quiz #42
Who is riding his bike through the rain?
Just leave a comment with your educated guess—you can ask for additional hints, too. [Leaving a comment is easy; just click the ‘Leave a comment’ at the end of the post and fill in the form. If it’s the first time you post a comment, it will be held for moderation. But I am constantly checking, and once I’ve approved a comment, your next ones won’t be held, but published immediately by the system.]
UPDATE and solution (20 September 2012):
After ↵the last one took a while we’re back to normal business and ↵Alexander Rabitsch solved #42 immediately: It’s the character Roger (Vincent Gallo) cycling during the opening credits of ‘↑Metropia‘ (Saleh 2009). The movie is notable not only because it’s wonderful noir dystopian ↵cyberpunk, but because an animation technique based on real life actors was employed. By computer powered alteration of real life digital video æsthetics were achieved which are somewhat reminiscent of Terry Gilliam’s ‘Monty Python’ animation sequences. The technique obviously is kin to ↑rotoscoping and ↑motion capture. The former has been put to fabulous cyberpunk use by Richard Linklater for ‘A Scanner Darkly’ (2006), and without the latter contemporary sci-fi movies and high-end computer games seem to be unthinkable.
As it seems we are back to business as usual ;) First strike, first hit, yes, it’s Roger (Vincent Gallo) cycling early on in ‘Metropia’ (Saleh 2009)—congratulations!